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Screen Quickstart

Short guide on how to use screen - the terminal multiplexer

screen is a linux software to handle background tasks. While it is very powerful, the shortcuts to move around the tool can be a challenge to remember.

This is my reference to do the most common tasks.

From the outside

# screen -ls
There is a screen on:
	30741.pts-1.mercury	(10/22/2022 03:46:15 PM)	(Detached)

From the inside

All shortcuts are prefixed with CTRL+A to avoid conflicting with other shell shortcuts

All screen shortcuts start with CTRL + a plus another key (or combination of keys).

CTRL + a, d

Detatch from the current session and return to the "real" terminal.

CTRL + a, a

Toggle to the previous window.

CTRL + a, c

Create a new terminal session.

CTRL + a, p

Focus the previous window.

CTRL + a, n

Focus the next window.

CTRL + a, "

Show a list of all windows.

CTRL + a, A

Prompt for a new name for this window.

CTRL + a, N

Show the name and index of the current window.

CTRL + a, ?

Maybe try another one?

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