Today I've spent a lot of time experimenting with Svelte and Pocketbase.
- Svelte is a frontend development framework
- Pocketbase is a self-hosted Backend-as-a-service
I came across Pocketbase as an alternative to Supabase, which I have been trying for the last couple of months and I really enjoying.
Being a backend dev you might think that I would rather build my own backend. I have done that a lot, but over time I've realised that I'm just solving the same problems over and over again (auth, DB connection, API routes, etc) and very little of the work is actually related to actual business of the project. So a backend-as-a-service is starting to make a lot of sense for me - especially for small hobby projects.
As for Svelte, I'm no frontender, but I do know a fair bit of React. I came across Svelte because it seems to solve a lot of the issues I have with React - e.g. state management and data binding.
I also watched some interviews with one of the main devs behind Svelte and was really impressed with their approach to the framework. So I'm pretty sold 🙌
I'm still playing around with them. For now my goal is just setting up a simple login flow with the ability to create/fetch some user-specific data.
It's going pretty well so far!

I learn by doing. So my process is: build something, break it, fix it, repeat. This process works best with small projects 😅
I have a couple of bigger projects in mind where I plan to use these tools and I'm excited to get started!
See you tomorrow 👋