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|| #blog #2408-dailies

Thoughts on missing a day

"It doesn’t matter if you fall down, it’s whether you get back up"


Yesterday was the first day in my experiment where I didn't publish any writing. I'm OK with that.

Doing anything daily is tough. A couple of years ago I did something every day for a year on Gitlab to get the activity graph fully filled out. That wasn't easy. There were a couple of days I'd just create a branch or open an issue on one of my projects (that still counts) because I just didn't have the energy or time to do more.

So yesterday I could have just published something saying "Hey! I'm not posting anything today, see you tomorrow!" and that technically would count. But I chose not to.

Instead I decided to take a rest day. I had already done a lot of background work for my website and I just didn't have the energy to write.

Instead of doing something with little value, I chose to take a day off and (hopefully) produce something better the following day.

If I'm strict with myself, I could say that I failed the challenge. But I don't feel I did. For a few reasons:

  1. I make the rules 😁
  2. I've posted a lot of stuff since I started, which is a huge win for me
  3. I'm back writing today

“It doesn’t matter if you fall down, it’s whether you get back up.”

  • Michael Jordan (probably)

If you are in a similar position, try to not be too hard on yourself. Just try to get back up and keep going.

See you tomorrow 👋

Maybe try another one?

Voice memos made me a better speaker
Moving my website to Gitlab pages again
Getting back to writing